Thursday, April 1, 2010

"Feng Shui For Your Inner Space" is a beautiful journey into the harmonics of Feng Shui through Intentional Art and the majesty of Beethoven's Piano Concerto No. 5 "Emperor".
Rearrange your outer space and the flow of energy is re-directed, your chi manifesting into happier forms. Rearrange your inner space and your entire life is transmuted into a matrix of bliss. As a result, you will re-program the dynamic patterns of your life force. Feng Shui is interactive by nature. There is a symbiotic relationship between you and what you see outside yourself, whether you are conscious of the effects and the continuing momentum of inner and outer events or not. "Feng Shui for your Inner Space" uses a mirroring technique to achieve harmony within you. As you experience the power of the images' symbolism -- as visual cues that you, more than likely, will replicate -- anxiety and fear clear, and a happier world emerges.

"Feng Shui for your Inner Space"

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Young Horses in Spring

Sun and shadow flicker across our lives as we play...It's spring !

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"I have been clothed in Leaf, a green light of some fortitude. I have been quenched by Rain, a christening of some magnitude."

Monday, February 8, 2010


Living in a reflective universe as we do, "Life" shows us our inner states of being. Look around. What do you see?

Friday, January 29, 2010


You, too, are an environment, a place, a space, even as a sparkling pattern is mongst deep folds of heaven. Stars that glow out, as much as to say, "We have aligned and imaged for you, then interpreted them as internal directives for manifestation of life events -- the life that appears to you...but you rule.  Be it heaven or hell, it is whatever you say it is.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the Doing

As you dance in the exhileration of new found freedom in your expression, it's possible to lose your dancer's sense of balance, your spiritual poise.
Prizes, awards, the grand and great recognition...anything you can imagine...awaits you, but to receive what is due you, you must be in the "doing". You become one with the action or activity. Then your genius appears.

New Age blogs & blog posts

Saturday, January 16, 2010

And  "The Art of You"   is part of this Resplendence of Nature...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Silver Trees

Enchant me then with your gleaming splendor.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Golden-Beaked Cranes

Golden-beaked cranes dance to their own bright song.  Breathe in their song.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Red Leaves in Morning Mist

On these special mornings, the world is as never before; an innocent and mystical place,
for Winter has come to the mountains, and Heaven, itself, surrounds us. With mist in the air,
red leaves glisten as crisp as apples.