Then become aware of your mindscreen. The stories that have caught you up will re-appear. Realizing the fictional state by seeing your active input into the "situations" is awakening. Some situations are dramas and need complete forgiveness, as in "it never happened". In any event, you are dimming the lights on the "past" and "future" and focussing the spotlight on "Now". The stage is set. You are centered.
A clearing can be as simple as sitting in stillness and realizing your act of breathing. You know...getting real. You can look at a night sky or listen to a bird sing. Again though, you must really look and really listen. As you begin to dance on through the night by the light of your own clearings, the luminescence shows you certain things.
You begin to see that you have been shadow boxing, that conflict is illusion, that at the core of it all, it's you and you. By clearing, you regain your equilibrium in your alignment with nature. You regain your original grace. Without the fear incipient in old paradigms, such as stealing the fire of the Gods, you can own your power. Once cleared you are in the Now and the Now is where your intentions are best planted. If you want to be intentional, you will learn to recognize and use the Now moment, which is a springboard to your power to control your brush on the canvas of your life.
The Nature of Now
Now is the "moment". As far as you are concerned, it is your consciousness. That Now exists because of your consciousness of it. And, it is new, completely new each time, unless you have programmed a "loop" that seems to require a continual repetition of a "past". Our artists' materials are: an intention which is a focus for your energy, affirmations which fuel your intention and a trigger of expectation. Once the new slideshow is set up or ready in terms of the basic parameters of how you want to live, you can elaborate with thoughtforms you've designed and built through affirmations.
You don't have to be standing by a waterfall to have your Now. If you want to use a second to represent Now, there are 3,600 Nows in an hour, and they never really stop because the present moment is, in reality, all we really have. All are opportunities for you to express and reflect your inner self. At each "intake" moment you have a choice. You can take this gleaming image before you and you can "like it" or "not like it". Either way, you make a choice based on judgment. The Now is "imprinted" with focused mental energy. Consider if you received the image of each NOW as you would gentle sunshine on your face, welcoming it in innocence. That stance is a powerful affirmation, in and of itself, attracting a flow of supportive energy to you. In truth, there is nothing to defend against.
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