As we stand at the threshhold of a starry tomorrow, what is there to say...?
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
Flirting With Perfection
How deliberate do you want to be in delineating your world? Do you want to take the time and attention to pour energy into the minutiae of a day. Sooner you call for the perfection of the day. Your paintbrush makes more sweeping strokes.
Perhaps the ultimate thoughtform stategy--since it programs itself as so complete that nothing need be added nor subtracted--is to affirm the existence of Perfection. You have been taught that no one is perfect. That programming in and of itself is enough to sabotage dreams.
Perfection is the story of completion. When you see a mandala, a pattern completing, there is an energetic jump, a new level of engagement, a joy. Then it is complete. It is perfect. But, it is not static. This completion signals a new cycle to be explored.
"Inside" of you is a myriad of points of perfection, the ethereal existence, the coming and going of pure potentiality. You are perfection. In each Now, you are perfection, yet still evolving through your own self expression, through each and every Now. Every Now is a doorway, a portal into endlessly rich possibilities. Perfection hides inside this moment, this Now. Through your own creative act of consciousness, you dive into the golden sea of intelligent energy, twirling and dancing and soaring. These pure actions create an experience of life for you. You are an unfolding perfection and Now...A Song of Empowerment.
Perhaps the ultimate thoughtform stategy--since it programs itself as so complete that nothing need be added nor subtracted--is to affirm the existence of Perfection. You have been taught that no one is perfect. That programming in and of itself is enough to sabotage dreams.
Perfection is the story of completion. When you see a mandala, a pattern completing, there is an energetic jump, a new level of engagement, a joy. Then it is complete. It is perfect. But, it is not static. This completion signals a new cycle to be explored.
"Inside" of you is a myriad of points of perfection, the ethereal existence, the coming and going of pure potentiality. You are perfection. In each Now, you are perfection, yet still evolving through your own self expression, through each and every Now. Every Now is a doorway, a portal into endlessly rich possibilities. Perfection hides inside this moment, this Now. Through your own creative act of consciousness, you dive into the golden sea of intelligent energy, twirling and dancing and soaring. These pure actions create an experience of life for you. You are an unfolding perfection and Now...A Song of Empowerment.
Labels:Feng Shui, art, artist,
feng shui,
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Believing is Seeing
Your perceptions of the world dictate what actions you take "in response" to any situation, and those perceptions are based on your judgments. Far from being objective though, how you perceive the world is biased, favoring one thing over another...your likes and dislikes which are preferences that all go into the telling of "your story". Even the act of seeing with the human eye -- the physical part of perception -- can be deceptive.
What are you really seeing in this trompe d'oeil painting by Pere Borrell del Caso, a Spanish painter in the 19th century? Is the boy climbing out of the gold frame? He seems to be. Anyone thinking that would be wrong, and in much the same way, our physical perception can be flawed. With that baggage in tow, we go about our day-to-day business of navigating through life. Ultimately, releasing judgment leads you to the universal wellspring, that place where we are equally nourished. Your perception looks upon a psychological sense of perfection then and becomes perception without bias.
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"Escaping Criticism"
COSMETA: Unique New Age Gifts for Living a New Age Lifestyle! - We offer a variety of unique New Age gifts, asian decor, tabletop fountains, oil burners, wind chimes, angel figurines, bird feeders, a variety of spun glass figurines, candle lanterns & more...
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Then become aware of your mindscreen. The stories that have caught you up will re-appear. Realizing the fictional state by seeing your active input into the "situations" is awakening. Some situations are dramas and need complete forgiveness, as in "it never happened". In any event, you are dimming the lights on the "past" and "future" and focussing the spotlight on "Now". The stage is set. You are centered.
A clearing can be as simple as sitting in stillness and realizing your act of breathing. You know...getting real. You can look at a night sky or listen to a bird sing. Again though, you must really look and really listen. As you begin to dance on through the night by the light of your own clearings, the luminescence shows you certain things.
You begin to see that you have been shadow boxing, that conflict is illusion, that at the core of it all, it's you and you. By clearing, you regain your equilibrium in your alignment with nature. You regain your original grace. Without the fear incipient in old paradigms, such as stealing the fire of the Gods, you can own your power. Once cleared you are in the Now and the Now is where your intentions are best planted. If you want to be intentional, you will learn to recognize and use the Now moment, which is a springboard to your power to control your brush on the canvas of your life.
The Nature of Now
Now is the "moment". As far as you are concerned, it is your consciousness. That Now exists because of your consciousness of it. And, it is new, completely new each time, unless you have programmed a "loop" that seems to require a continual repetition of a "past". Our artists' materials are: an intention which is a focus for your energy, affirmations which fuel your intention and a trigger of expectation. Once the new slideshow is set up or ready in terms of the basic parameters of how you want to live, you can elaborate with thoughtforms you've designed and built through affirmations.
You don't have to be standing by a waterfall to have your Now. If you want to use a second to represent Now, there are 3,600 Nows in an hour, and they never really stop because the present moment is, in reality, all we really have. All are opportunities for you to express and reflect your inner self. At each "intake" moment you have a choice. You can take this gleaming image before you and you can "like it" or "not like it". Either way, you make a choice based on judgment. The Now is "imprinted" with focused mental energy. Consider if you received the image of each NOW as you would gentle sunshine on your face, welcoming it in innocence. That stance is a powerful affirmation, in and of itself, attracting a flow of supportive energy to you. In truth, there is nothing to defend against.
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Labels:Feng Shui, art, artist,
feng shui clearing,
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
I named this blogspot "fengshui-to-go", so I could share a few things with you; show you a few paintings to soothe and relax you and maybe even entertain you. I know that we look out at the world and wonder how to proceed, how to go about this process referred to as life.
In learning my craft, I came to know my inner artist, and then I came to know that we are all "inner artists". We are creative beings dealing in thoughtforms; encoded energy. We are constantly thoughtforming, creating aspects of our lives...and therein lies the rub.
Movies and tv entertain us, but they also entrain us, offering models of life expression. We sit down with popcorn in front of a screen and tune in to a brief, but total submersion into another flavor of reality. Of course, we come back to our own life when the theatrics end, but we absorbed the drama, we took it into our imagination. And duality marches on. Now we use various clips to fuel our next steps forward. The movie, for example, is drawn on a timeline of consequences, and if the movie works, we are left with a new nuance of imperative; a sharpening of direction. We have been mesmerized. We can wash off the butter from popcorn, but our fictional focus goes into the mix. Within the movie we are further conditioned to thrive on embedded elements like urgency. "Everything depends on it". We steel ourselves to ward off attacks. This all to the good, if you want your "creation" to run ahead of you, a virtual trainwreck.
In these instances, you set yourself up. You make an equation of "conditional" circumstances. Such "adventures" can be stimulating if you are alert to the "process" and utilizing it to your own avails. The problem in adopting a script that enchants you is your lack of thoroughness. Beneath it all, if you don't believe in your own happy ending, you really are changing the script. There's another element underneath; a subplot.
And so, from a "virtual" flow of images and sounds, we assemble a slideshow and then the "world" seems to happen to us. We may not question the actual process... that act of consciousness that got us there. And it may not be important that we do. What is important, is that the input is, more often than not, haphazard, unexamined material, that we take in and blend.
That is why Feng Shui is a gift to us. Once you realize that your perception shapes your reality, you can begin to be "intentional". You can design your life. You can take the world input and filter it, through affirmations.
But where to start?
Stepping back, you can see the primary "supports" to your picture, such as your home, your relationships, your "employment" of energy. Feng Shui helps us harmonize the elements of your life, not necessarily change them outright.
And, just as an artist goes to a resource file to breathe in inspiration, so the inner artist has all of the images and sound needed for drama, but they are often old mental templates. "Ah, gee! What I have to go through...", "Why does this always happen to me?", "It can't be very good, if it's that easy!" Life must always be a morality play. There are millions of such rejoinders to remind us that Life is not supposed to be good or fun or lovely. These old mental templates self-activate, but with clearing, you begin to see these subprograms that are running in the background and in recognizing these "limiters", they lose their power. Again, though, you have to know they are there.
So, Feng Shui clearing is to re-establish your true autonomy and ready your canvas. You are always coloring on your canvas. You are sketching out your own ideas about yourself. Like the light and dark interplay of chiaroscuro, you can only see the design on the paper because of the contrasting tones. You are limiting your own ideas about yourself, in order to understand and/or appreciate what I AM. At some level, keeping your perspective, your judgment, has value as an exercise in polarity. Your position lets you experience emotional depths. Tasting the depths of tragedy has given birth to more than one great opera. You're on one side and somebody else is on the other. Duality has its own set of rewards, but it also has pain and, given a choice, you might decide to forego it.
Perhaps even more important, on a subliminal level when your mental flow hits a "boulder", you experience a "divided" sense, as part of your attention splits off to deal with an unresolved issue. So to unify yourself, you clear unresolved energy; your misperceptions...first and foremost...about life, itself. It is practical. When you clear unproductive mental patterns -- the clutter -- you feel uplift. Now there is wind in your sails. You are less inclined to predict or project misery. You begin to attract happy "coincidences". And soon you find you really are the one in control. You find new energy and you experience glimpses of joy.
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